Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Free Mentoring With Jini - Power Thoughts 4


Jini here again. Let's continue our journey of a power thought every day (or every other day) to help you change your life.

These Power Thoughts can be found at Pastor Gregory Dickow's Fast From Wrong Thinking.

Each thought is a thought we'll be fasting from being replaced with a Power Thought that will empower us to change our life positively.

Hope you continue to stick with me and that when you start seeing positive changes in your life that you leave your comments below.

So let's get started with the next thought..

Tragedy and Suffering

It is important we keep our eye on the ball. We are fasting (abstaining from, GIVING UP) wrong ways of thinking. That means there are certain mindsets and beliefs in our heads, that we have to eliminate. They are toxic and poisonous to the victorious life we desire to live. To keep thinking the same things, and expect our lives to change, is absurd.

Today's thought that we're fasting from has to do with tragedy and suffering. When something bad happens such as a college shooting or a deadly tornado, it's easy for fear to creep in, and to think we are open game or sitting ducks for Satan or twisted people to strike at any time.

It's wrong to think: Something bad might happen to me or my family.

DO NOT open the door to the expectation of evil. Your mind may argue with this, but that's why we're going to fast from this thought. Of course, WE MUST have compassion, prayer, and practical support for those who have suffered, but we cannot allow what has happened to create our expectations.

Job CONTINUALLY THOUGHT something bad might happen to his family. And then it did. He said, "What I have feared has come upon me". (Job 3:25)

Lets take this thought captive. How?

    BELIEVE God's promise: Psalm 91:10 - No evil shall befall me, nor shall any plague come near my tent. (The Message translation: "Evil can't get close to you, harm can't get through the door. He ordered His angels to guard you wherever you go.")

    THINK within yourself: "No weapon formed against me shall prosper" (Isaiah 54:17).

    FILL your mind and heart with this, over and over again, until it starts coming out of your mouth.

    KNOW that God brings His Word to pass, when we believe it. Jeremiah 1:12 says "I am watching over My word to perform it."

    EXPECT something good to happen to you and your family.

I want to leave you with this good thought today:

There is no stopping the man or woman who is set free from wrong thinking!

Don't forget to post your comments below of how these Power Thoughts are changing your life positively.

Be Blessed..

See you on the next video..

Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley

New in 2014: Let me help you build 3 income streams. Click here to find out what these 3 income streams are and how I will help you build ALL 3 FREE For Life. Click here to see the hundreds of different traffic sources I will be using to drive traffic to YOUR 3 income streams FOR YOU FREE.

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley

"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22

Connect with me on skype: jinicharley2012

Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley

Monday, 27 October 2014

Free Mentoring With Jini - Power Thoughts 3


Jini here again. Let's continue our journey of a power thought every day (or every other day) to help you change your life.

These Power Thoughts can be found at Pastor Gregory Dickow's Fast From Wrong Thinking.

Each thought is a thought we'll be fasting from being replaced with a Power Thought that will empower us to change our life positively.

Hope you continue to stick with me and that when you start seeing positive changes in your life that you leave your comments below.

So let's get started with the next thought..

I'm overwhelmed

Feeling overwhelmed? Today's fast from wrong thinking is for you! Were fasting today from the thought: "I'm overwhelmed". And the thoughts that go with it: "This will take forever. I've got too much to do. This is too much for me to take. There isn't enough time. I can't take it anymore."

These thoughts have to go! Today! How?

First, everything you see in this world was created in 6 days. God is in the business of getting things done, and getting them done fast. EXPECT HIS HELP TODAY. You can't do it alone.

Most people don't understand what Jesus meant when He said, "Take My yoke upon you..."

A yoke is a harness or instrument placed upon TWO oxen. It causes them to plow together, so that when one gets weak or OVERWHELMED, he can continue to be pulled by the other. When we feel overwhelmed we need to TAKE HIS YOKE. That means: He is attached to us, and will help carry the load. Of course, He ends up doing most of the carrying, so:

    Cast your cares upon Him. He will care for you. (1 Peter 5:7.) How? Be honest. Tell him what's wrong (what's up). Ask Him to carry it for you. Believe that He will.

    See yourself attached to Him (yoked to Him). He holds you up.

    Begin to believe that you can handle anything. BELIEVE THIS TODAY. You can handle anything. Mark 9:23 "All things are possible for those who believe."

    Think it. I can handle anything today, because I am yoked to Jesus.

    Say it. I can handle anything today, because I am yoked to Jesus.

Well, this is our third video of "fasting from wrong thinking". I want you to realize something. We're developing a habit. Stay with me. Give me your time in these videos. After these videos, habits are formed. We're forming the habit of ABSTAINING from negative thinking. When the thoughts come back, you can go back to the videos. Go over them again, and again.

We are raising up an army of people who will think right, therefore live right!

Friends, success or failure in life is created by how you think. Proverbs 23:7 (you'll see me quote this countless times), "As a man thinks, so is he". You are NOT GOING TO FAIL. You are the head and not the tail!

Don't forget to post your comments below of how these Power Thoughts are changing your life positively.

Be Blessed..

See you on the next video..

Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley

New in 2014: Let me help you build 3 income streams. Click here to find out what these 3 income streams are and how I will help you build ALL 3 FREE For Life. Click here to see the hundreds of different traffic sources I will be using to drive traffic to YOUR 3 income streams FOR YOU FREE.

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley

"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22

Connect with me on skype: jinicharley2012

Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Free Mentoring With Jini - Power Thoughts 2


Jini here again. In the last couple videos, I mentioned that I will be spending the next few videos giving you a power thought every day (or every other day) to help you change your life.

These Power Thoughts can be found at Pastor Gregory Dickow's Fast From Wrong Thinking.

Each thought is a thought we'll be fasting from being replaced with a Power Thought that will empower us to change our life positively.

Hope you continue to stick with me and that when you start seeing positive changes in your life that you leave your comments below.

So let's get started with the next thought..

I don't have enough

I want to be clear about this: "fasting" is not about food. It's about "abstaining" from something. In our case, we are abstaining or GIVING UP wrong ways of thinking.

We have embarked upon a journey who's time has come. I have never been more excited and expectant about anything I have been a part of. Stay with me and watch what God will do in your life.

Fasting is very popular, but 'fasting from wrong thinking' is unprecedented--until now. This journey will take us to a place that dieting and abstaining from food, could never get us.

In the last video we fasted from the thought: "I can't". Victory or Defeat in life is determined by what will control the decision making process of your life...and your decisions are determined by your thought life.

When you THINK: CAN'T, you will live: CAN'T. We are going to live: CAN! I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me!

In this video we are fasting from the thought that says: "I don't have enough".

Now follow me here...

This is a mindset, an attitude that says, "I don't have enough money. I don't have enough time. I don't have enough friends. I don't have enough experience. I don't have enough education..."

This thought is an invisible fence that keeps you in the backyard of lack and deficiency.

Our God calls Himself: El Shaddai - the God of more than enough! We have more than enough of God living inside of us--Let us not think "not enough" anymore. Lets think: More than enough.

    In 1 Kings, there was more than enough for Elijah and the widow.
    In Exodus, there was more than enough for the children of Israel, everyday.
    In John 6, there was more than enough bread left over, after Jesus fed the 5000.
    In Mark 5, there was more than enough anointing to heal Jairus, the woman with the issue of blood, and the people that were sitting by.

Think this: I always have enough, because Philippians 4:19 says, God shall supply ALL my needs, according to His riches.

Say it: I always have enough. My God is more than enough. He will open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive.

He gives back to me, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over!

Don't forget to post your comments below of how these Power Thoughts are changing your life positively.

Be Blessed..

See you on the next video..

Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley

New in 2014: Let me help you build 3 income streams. Click here to find out what these 3 income streams are and how I will help you build ALL 3 FREE For Life. Click here to see the hundreds of different traffic sources I will be using to drive traffic to YOUR 3 income streams FOR YOU FREE.

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley

"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22

Connect with me on skype: jinicharley2012

Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Free Mentoring With Jini - Power Thoughts 1


Jini here again. In the last video, I mentioned that I will be spending the next few videos giving you a power thought every day (or every other day) to help you change your life.

These Power Thoughts can be found at Pastor Gregory Dickow's Fast From Wrong Thinking.

Each thought is a thought we'll be fasting from being replaced with a Power Thought that will empower us to change our life positively.

Hope you continue to stick with me and that when you start seeing positive changes in your life that you leave your comments below.

So let's get started with the first thought..

I can't...

I want to be clear about this: "fasting" is not about food. It's about "abstaining" from something. In our case, we are abstaining or GIVING UP wrong ways of thinking. This is simple. Too often, we make things harder and much more complicated than they really are. Jesus said, "Take My yoke upon you, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light." He did the heavy lifting. Now our job is to 'enter into His rest', by believing what He has already done for us.

Today's thought that we are fasting from is simply: "I can't..."
There are so many things that we think we CAN'T do.

I can't change. I can't believe that. I can't go on. I can't make it. I can't forgive. I can't recover. I can't get it done. I can't find a job. I can't find a spouse. I can't go back to college. I can't pay the bills. I can't figure this out...and the list could go on and on.

Believe me, this MENTALITY and ATTITUDE, sets us up to fail, to quit, and to live a negative existence. It is a poisonous thought that we must no longer eat or drink of.

From TODAY ON...we're replacing this thought with: "I can".


There's a saying that goes: "if you think you CAN or you think you CAN'T, you're right." Either way, you're right, because as a man thinks, so is he (Proverbs 23:7).

The Spirit of God lives in you. You CAN do what HE CAN do in you. 1 John 4:17 "As He is, so are we in this world."

1. Think it: "I can"

2. Say it: "I can".

3. Meditate on Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me!"

4. Give up the thought that there is anything you CAN'T do. GET IT OUT OF YOUR VOCABULARY. Stop yourself every time you feel like saying it OR correct yourself if you do say it.

Got it? Lets roll!

Don't forget to post your comments below of how these Power Thoughts are changing your life positively.

Be Blessed..

See you on the next video..

Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley

New in 2014: Let me help you build 3 income streams. Click here to find out what these 3 income streams are and how I will help you build ALL 3 FREE For Life. Click here to see the hundreds of different traffic sources I will be using to drive traffic to YOUR 3 income streams FOR YOU FREE.

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley

"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22

Connect with me on skype: jinicharley2012

Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley

Friday, 17 October 2014

Free Mentoring With Jini - The Power of Vision


Jini here again. So far I've talked about Thinking Like A Billionaire and Thinking Like A Leader.

I am a huge believer in the Power of the Mind and our thought lives.

I believe that every one of us can change our lives if we change the way we think.

Starting in the next video I will be giving you some powerful thoughts that you can start thinking to change the way you think and see powerful results in your lives.

For today, I want to touch on the Power of Vision.

In his book "The Principles and Power of Vision - Keys to Achieving Personal and Corporate Destiny", Dr Myles Munroe explains what vision is, how to write your personal vision plan and the 12 principles for fulfilling personal vision.

It is these 12 principles for fulfilling personal vision that I want to leave with you today:

Principle # 1: Be Directed by a Clear Vision

Principle # 2: Know Your Potential for Fulfilling Vision

Principle # 3: Develop a Concrete Plan for Your Vision

Principle # 4: Possess the Passion of Vision

Principle # 5: Develop the Faith of Vision

Principle # 6: Understand the Process of Vision

Principle # 7: Set the Priorities of Vision

Principle # 8: Recognize People's Influence on Vision

Principle # 9: Employ the Provision of Vision

Principle # 10: Use Persistence in Achieving the Vision

Principle # 11: Be Patient in the Fulfillment of Vision

Principle # 12: Stay Connected to the Source of Vision

Like I said, I am a huge believer in the Power of the Mind and our thought lives.

So starting in the next video, I will be spending the next few videos giving you a power thought every day (or every other day) to help you change your life.

Hope you continue to stick with me and that when you start seeing positive changes in your life that you leave your comments below. Thanks

Be Blessed..

See you on the next video

Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley

New in 2014: Let me help you build 3 income streams. Click here to find out what these 3 income streams are and how I will help you build ALL 3 FREE For Life. Click here to see the hundreds of different traffic sources I will be using to drive traffic to YOUR 3 income streams FOR YOU FREE.

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley

"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22

Connect with me on skype: jinicharley2012

Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Free Mentoring With Jini - Thinking Like A Leader


Jini here again. In the last video, I talked about Thinking Like A Billionaire.

Today, I want to touch briefly on Thinking Like A Leader that John Maxwell discusses in his book "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - Follow Them and People Will Follow You"

In the Revised & Updated 10th Anniversary Edition, John Maxwell goes into depth in the following 21 Laws of Leadership that, if followed, will have people following you:

Law # 1: The Law of The Lid - Leadership Ability Determines a Person's Level of Effectiveness

Law # 2: The Law of Influence - The True Measure of Leadership Is Influence - Nothing More, Nothing Less

Law # 3: The Law of Process - Leadership Develops Daily, Not in a Day

Law # 4: The Law of Navigation - Anyone Can Steer the Ship, but It Takes a Leader to Chart the Course

Law # 5: The Law of Addition - Leaders Add Value by Serving Others

Law # 6: The Law of Solid Ground - Trust Is the Foundation of Leadership

Law # 7: The Law of Respect - People Naturally Follow Leaders Stronger Than Themselves

Law # 8: The Law of Intuition - Leaders Evaluate Everything with a Leadership Bias

Law # 9: The Law of Magnetism - Who You Are Is Who You Attract

Law # 10: The Law of Connection - Leaders Touch a Heart Before They Ask for a Hand

Law # 11: The Law of The Inner Circle - A Leader's Potential Is Determined by Those Closest to Him

Law # 12: The Law of Empowerment - Only Secure Leaders Give Power to Others

Law # 13: The Law of The Picture - People Do What People See

Law # 14: The Law of Buy-In - People Buy into the Leader, Then the Vision

Law # 15: The Law of Victory - Leaders Find a Way for the Team to Win

Law # 16: The Law of The Big Mo - Momentum Is a Leader's Best Friend

Law # 17: The Law of Priorities - Leaders Understand That Activity Is Not Necessarily Accomplishment

Law # 18: The Law of Sacrifice - A Leader Must Give Up to Go Up

Law # 19: The Law of Timing - When to Lead Is As Important As What to Do and Where to Go

Law # 20: The Law of Explosive Growth - To Add Growth, Lead Followers - To Multiply, Lead Leaders

Law # 21: The Law of Legacy - A Leader's Lasting Value Is Measured by Succession

In the words of John Maxwell "Everything rises and falls on leadership. These laws carry consequences with them...Apply the laws and people will follow you. Violate or ignore them, and you will not be able to lead others. But here's the good news: every one of the laws can be learned."

Hope you take the time to learn and apply these laws and become the effective leaders I know all of you can be.

Be Blessed..

See you on the next video

Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley

New in 2014: Let me help you build 3 income streams. Click here to find out what these 3 income streams are and how I will help you build ALL 3 FREE For Life. Click here to see the hundreds of different traffic sources I will be using to drive traffic to YOUR 3 income streams FOR YOU FREE.

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley

"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22

Connect with me on skype: jinicharley2012

Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley

Monday, 13 October 2014

Free Mentoring With Jini - Thinking Like A Billionaire


Jini here again. In this video, I'll be mentioning a few books I have been and will be using to grow in 2 main areas: spirituality and finances.

There are of course a multitude of books and other resources that cover these areas from every possible angle, but the main book I will always be coming back to is The Bible.

I will also be mentioning scriptures and quotes from time to time and these will be coming from The Bible, preachers, authors, whomever and wherever inspires me.

I've already mentioned that I will be referencing The Bible throughout this journey, but another book I will be referencing frequently is Joel Osteen's "I Declare".

Today I want to leave you with a very important lesson I learned from Scot Anderson from his book "Think Like A Billionaire Become A Billionaire":

That lesson: Billionaires Think Differently About: Money, Investing, Jobs, Risks, Problems, Preparation and Time

Regarding Money: We look for ways to spend money. Billionaires look for ways to invest money.

Regarding Investing: We invest just a little. Billionaires realize investing is the key to abundance.

Regarding Jobs: We think a job will make us wealthy. Billionaires know a job will never make them wealthy; investments will.

Regarding Risks: We stay away from risks because we might fail. Billionaires know that if they don't take risks, they already failed.

Regarding Problems: We try to avoid problems. Billionaires see problems as opportunities to make millions.

Regarding Preparation: We prepare for today. Billionaires prepare today for the opportunities of tomorrow.

Regarding Time: We waste time. Billionaires see time as their most valuable asset.

My encouragement to you: Start seeing these 7 resources the way billionaires see them and watch what that does in your life.

Be Blessed..

See you on the next video

Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley

New in 2014: Let me help you build 3 income streams. Click here to find out what these 3 income streams are and how I will help you build ALL 3 FREE For Life. Click here to see the hundreds of different traffic sources I will be using to drive traffic to YOUR 3 income streams FOR YOU FREE.

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley

"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22

Connect with me on skype: jinicharley2012

Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Introduction to Free Mentoring With Jini


My name is Ranjini 'Jini' Charley, but you can call me Jini, as all my friends, family and associates call me Jini.

In this introductory video of "Free Mentoring With Jini" I just want to introduce you to who I am and what I am about and how I will help you through this Free Mentoring.

Like I said my name is Jini and I want to spend a few minutes with you everyday (or every other day as time permits) via free video imparting to you what I have learnt that day.

I will be mentioning books, quotes, scripture, whatever I come across on a daily basis that improves my life that I believe will be able to improve your life as well.

I am not a guru of any kind in any one specific subject. I will simply be sharing with you what I have learnt in my daily study time: be it something related to business, finance, health, spirituality, or what have you.

I hope you enjoy this journey with me as I take a few minutes every day (or as often as time permits) to share with you what I have learnt.

Be Blessed..

See you on the next video

Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley

New in 2014: Let me help you build 3 income streams. Click here to find out what these 3 income streams are and how I will help you build ALL 3 FREE For Life. Click here to see the hundreds of different traffic sources I will be using to drive traffic to YOUR 3 income streams FOR YOU FREE.

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley

"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22

Connect with me on skype: jinicharley2012

Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley